Dancing in the Waves
The waves overwhelmed me with water, as I clung onto the side of the boat, petrified of letting go and falling into the violent sea.
“Please, somebody save me!” I shouted into the darkness. “The waves are menacing and will surely crush me!”
But as I searched the corners of the sea for help, all I saw was the moon's white light, which cast a spell on the tides and rocked the waves with fury.
“Please!!!” I begged the moon, fighting each of the sea’s attempts to capsize me. “I can’t hang on much longer!”
And with that, I was thrown into the sea and desperately grasped for my boat, for I could not remember how to swim.
All hope faded as my head crashed into the bottom of the deep sea. I let what I thought might be my final breath escape from my lungs and clutched a handful of sand and shells.
“No,” I said, as a white light began to trickle in through the blackening sea. “I am needed and must go on.” With these words, the moonlight grew into a gentle, yet forceful beam, as if it were beckoning me to stand.
And stand I did, thrusting myself above the water, the tide rolling peacefully past my waist. I looked down at the sea and saw a silhouette moving in the reflection from the moonlight, so free and full of life. And I realized that the silhouette was me, laughing and dancing in the waves.